“NAV PRAVAH” International Research Journal, India
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ISSN : 2249-5649
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(Law, Human Rights, Science/Social, Science and IT)
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Second Edition
Closing dated : 05 January 2012
January, 2012
Telephone : +91-771-4074784 or +91-9752024287
Venudhar Routiya
LL.M. (Constitutional and Administrative Law) & UGC-NET
Instructions to Authors
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International Research Journal of Nav-Pravah is an ISSN (ISSN 2249-5649) Journal, which publishes original research work that felicitates scientific knowledge in Law, Human Rights, Political, Social, Cultural, Litt. Science. The aim of Nav-Pravah is to increase the importance of research. Researchers may submit (1) Original Research Articles (2) Review articles (3) Short Notes (4) Abstracts (5) Letter to the editor in following disciple:
All submissions should contribute to improvement or should enlighten a particular aspect in any of the above mentioned subjects. Every submission should adhere to the journal format and style, legibly written in good English/Hindi, comprehensive, concise and complete. It is essential that authors prepare their manuscripts according to established specifications. Failure to follow them may result in papers being delayed or rejected. Therefore, contributors are strongly encouraged to read these instructions carefully before preparing a manuscript for submission. The manuscripts should be checked carefully for grammatical errors. All papers are subjected to peer review. Types of Manuscripts Research papers should present new experimental studies in elaborate form that constitute a significant contribution to knowledge. Research Papers should not exceed 10 pages. Short communications are the one that should present new important findings in a brief form, a maximum of 5 pages including illustrations. Review articles should bring up the most important current topics or present interpretative and critical accounts, but not simple compilation, on subjects of general interest. They should be around 12 pages. Requirements for Original Research Articles The decision to accept a contribution rests with Editor-in-chief which reserves the right to make alterations in manuscripts submitted for publication if they do not conform to accepted scientific standard or if they are too repetitive. All long papers need sub-headings. The author needs to conform to his/her own area of expertise pertaining to the theory or grounds of knowledge covered, and must incorporate a chronological arrangement of ideas and methods when reporting on the research done. Manuscripts should be neatly typed, single-spaced throughout, including tables, graphs, figures. Manuscript should be on A4 size with at least 1.5 cm margins on all sides. Page numbers should be given accordingly. Prepare the manuscript in Times New Roman font using a font size of 12 for enlish author and Kruti dev 010 font using a font size 12 for Hindi author. Title shall be in a font size 14, bold face capitals. All Headings in the manuscript shall be in font size 12, bold face capitals. Subheading in each section shall be in font size 12, bold face lower case. Italic fonts style should not be used in the main text (Except Latin names or wherever applicable). Standard International Units could be used throughout the text. Authors should not be more than five including corresponding author. We do not want any hard copy or CD of the Manuscripts. Only complete article should be submitted to the e-mail: venucgvs@gmail.com or navpravah.journal@gmail.com Manuscripts should be arranged into the following sections:
1. Title must be brief and comprehensively represent the findings and description as written in the abstracts. Do not use abbreviations in the title or abstract and limit their use in text. 2. Complete Author names, (surnamesfirst followed by first name and middle name). 3. Address of each author, the author for correspondence & author for reprints must be identified. 4. Do not put Dr., Mr., Mrs., Prof. Etc. before names. ABSTRACTS As a summary of not more than 250 words abstracts, should be clear and factual in content. Abstract must present the reason of the study (aims & ideas), the main findings and principal conclusions. Emphasis may be made on new and important aspects of the study or may highlight some important observations. Only approved abbreviations should be used. No abbreviations or references should be cited in the abstract. (Expanded forms of abbreviations should be given in the text where it is mentioned first.) KEYWORDS To identify the most important subjects covered by the article. (6-7 keyword max.) Authors should not break of or hyphenate words. INTRODUCTION A concise account or a preview is required from the background of the subject, its significance and its relationships to earlier works clarified with pertinent references. Clearly state the purpose of the article. Do not review the subject extensively in the introduction. MATERIALS & METHODS Should be presented with sufficient clarity and detail. The section of Experimental in Full Length Papers should include concise details on the methodology adopted; sufficiently elaborate to repeat the experiment. Data must be adequate and experimental design should be proper and accurate. Methods for which adequate references from published work can be cited are not to be described. All Physical and Spectral data should be reported. Method of Analysis should be validated. Experiments on human subjects are to be done in accordance with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) protocol or approved by an Institutional Ethical Committee. For the care and use of laboratory animals, the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India and OECD notified guidelines should be strictly followed. All possible effort must be made to give mechanism of reactions. Use System International (SI) Measurements. Cite instruments details e.g. UV, IR, NMR, MS etc. Model, company, place etc. at appropriate place (If any). In case of work related to plant materials, a sample of the authentic materials is to be deposited at any one of the designated institutions and their accession number or a reference of the same be quoted in the manuscript. Rationale for selection of certain solvent extracts of herbs/plants along with characterization (by way of spot tests, TLC pattern etc.) of such extracts evaluated for any activity should form part of manuscript. Use of positive and negative controls in experiments should be highlighted. In case of natural products articles, plants name should be italic. RESULTS The original and important findings should be stated in a logical sequence. Illustrate the results with figures or tables where necessary, but both must be kept to the minimum and should be cited as per the sequence given above. Result must be precise and comprehensive and should not suffer from vagueness. DISCUSSION It should contain a critical review of the results of the study with the support of relevant literature.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Sources of support in the form of grants, equipment, drugs as gift samples may be included. Only scientific personnel who have made substantial and essential contributions to the study should be acknowledged. Authors must state clearly the name and address of the expert (for botanical verification) who has authenticated the plant material, or botanical specimen. References to brand names obtained for research may not be referred in the text. REFERENCES References should be in Vancouver style and numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text (not in alphabetic order). Identify references in text, tables, and legends by Arabic numerals in superscript. References cited only in tables or figure legends should be numbered in accordance with the sequence established by the first identification in the text of the particular table or figure. Avoid using abstracts as references and do not cite any references in discussion and conclusion section. The total number of references shall not exceed more then 40. Publication Charges For the articles or papers which authors submit for publication in Nav-Pravah Journals, you would be charged only Rs. 1000 and $100 (USD 100) for International Scholors per article (Demand Draft payable at “Smt. Ratna Routiya” at Raipur) publication fees but this is only help, no compulsory, On acceptance of the manuscript after peer review, corresponding author will have to pay negligible amount as processing, evaluation and editor’s peer reviewing fees for which a mail regarding payment details and mode of payment will be communicated to the authors by editor-in-chief of the Journal.
Thanking you so much for your co-operate.
With Regards,
Yours Faithfully,
(Venudhar Routiya)
LL.M. (Constitutional and Administrative Law)
Quartly Research Journal (Law, Social-Cultural, Political Science, Human Rights, Science, Engg., Computer and Litt.)
Sunday, 25 December 2011
Instruction for Author of Second Issue : January 2012
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